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Northern Midlands Council is committed to providing effective, innovative and efficient service to the community it represents. It aims to encourage active local communities of distinct character and to foster a sense of pride in the Northern Midlands area.

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Council Facililites in the COVID-19 Enviornment
Council Facililites in the COVID-19 Environment In accordance with the recent State Government's announcement easing restrictions, Council commenced with preparations to allow for the reopening of facilities from 18 May 2020. Details of requirements for the staged reopening are detailed below. The information will be updated as the situation progresses.

As the State Government has announced the easing of restrictions, Council is preparing a schedule to reopen its facilities in accordance with the State’s requirements.

Northern Midlands Council’s priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our visitors, staff, volunteers and the community.

The action that Council is taking to re-open its facilities will be staged due to the availability of resources, the preparation of COVID-19 safety plans and ultimately on public health advice from the State Government.

Northern Midlands Council’s staged response commenced from 18 May 2020, with the following measures effective until further notice.

  • Council Offices: will open; however, committees, volunteers and the general public are encouraged to communicate via telephone and electronic media where possible. No more than 4 visitors will be allowed to be present in the customer service area at any time (only 2 in the reception area) taking into account appropriate social distancing requirements.
  • Meeting Rooms: The rooms at the Council offices will be closed to the public for meetings until further notice.
  • Committee Managed and Privately Leased Council Facilities e.g. Sports Facility Clubrooms, Halls, Libraries (Ross, Longford & Campbell Town), Campbell Town & District Men’s Shed at Ross, etc. It will be the responsibility of the management committee, business operator, lessee to manage COVID-19 issues.
  • Council Managed Facilities e.g. Halls, Community Centres: to open for up to 10 people, extending to up to 20 people on 15 June, and 50-100 people from 13 July 2020.
  • Sporting Grounds, Playgrounds and Tennis Courts: will be open for up to 10 people extending to up to 20 people on 15 June, with outdoor sport expected to resume on 13 July 2020.
  • Boat Ramps: open to residents within 30km of their primary residence, and to fully open from 15 July 2020.
  • Caravan Parks, Lake Leake & Tooms Lake Shack sites: to open from 15 June with up to 20 people.
  • Markets: to open from 13 July.
  • Visitor Information Centres, RV Rest Stops and Council Barbecues: to remain closed.
  • Perth Early Learning Centre & Child Care Facilities at Cressy and Avoca: Child Care facilities will continue to operate as usual until further notice.

Accordingly, prior to the opening of the facilities, the responsible party is required to complete and provide a COVID-19 Safety Plan to Council for review. The plan will take account of social distancing, 4m2 per person allowance and the limit of 10 people within the space, and hygiene.

In the case of AFL training at facilities, please also refer to the AFL Tasmania website. AFL Clubs training at Council facilities will also need to adhere to the requirements of AFL Tasmania, you can access the AFL Tasmania website through this link.

Worksafe’s COVID-19 Safety Plan Template and Fact Sheet are available on the Worksafe website.

We encourage everyone to continue to familiarise themselves with the current advice provided by the Tasmanian Government on the Coronavirus website and Road to Recovery web page.

Council also recently announced it COVID-19 Community Recovery and Care Package, follow this link to further information on Council's website